Versatile lectern provides secure storage for media electronics with 19” 16U rack mounting as standard. Stylish oval cabinet has concealed castors with jacking feet for extra stability on uneven surfaces. The range of durable desk tops are available in a choice of sizes and incorporate a control panel housing for standard & custom apertures, together with power outlets.
Lectern Finish | Matt Black |
Lectern Type | Single (Mobile) |
As a general rule you will be looking at 1-2 days for items in stock, and a maximum of 3-5 days for items that will ship from the manufacturer. This obviously depends on the product in question and can vary.
As we receive orders in many different forms - website, post, fax and email - we do not offer real-time stock information online. We deal with the orders on a first come first served basis meaning stock levels wouldn't be 100% accurate. Please be assured that we do stock a large number of items in our warehouse & have a large network of manufacturers on hand as well. If for any reason we do experience problems with the supply of certain products we may supply a substitute of the same or better quality at the same price to avoid any lengthy delays. If this is the case, we will inform you prior to despatch and if you are not happy with the replacement or substitute you can cancel the order or wait for the item to come into stock.
If you would like to check stock before ordering please call us on 01422 310193, email or get in touch via Online chat.